Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Inside Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD - Top 6 Real World War 2 Battle Campaigns

Devils at the Gate: Pacific War is a tower defense game and the six Battle historic World War II is the theme of the game for a bright spot, close to the real world. Now, let's go into the 6 game campaigns to remember what make World War 2, Pacific War a great game theme.

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Campaigns Introduction of World War 2 iPad Game - Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD

1. Pearl Harbor Defense 

Campaign 1 of Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD

This action in order to prevent the United States to obstruct Japan southward offensive in Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands colonial plan with the United States in the case of the Philippines, the resources, and now the Japanese have been at sea build good preparation of the attack, the rush to build-up yourself in the hands of the troops toorganization plans of the enemy, I wish you good luck !

Attack at Pearl Harbor, 1941

Real History

December seventh, 1941: the surprise was complete. The attacking planes came in two waves; the first hit its target at 7:53 AM, the second at 8:55. By 9:55 it was all over. By 1:00 PM the carriers that launched the planes from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu were heading back to Japan.

Poster commemorating the attack, 1942 Behind them they left chaos, 2,403 dead, 188 destroyed planes and a crippled Pacific Fleet that included 8 damaged or destroyed battleships. In one stroke the Japanese action silenced the debate that had divided Americans ever since the German defeat of France left England alone in the fight against the Nazi terror.

Approximately three hours later, Japanese planes began a day-long attack on American facilities in the Philippines. (Because the islands are located across the International Dateline, the local Philippine time was just after 5 AM on December 8.) Farther to the west, the Japanese struck at Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand in a coordinated attempt to use surprise in order inflict as much damage as quickly as possible to strategic targets.

2. Philippines Battle 

Campaign 2 of Devils at the Gate: Pacific War

In the Pacific War of World War II, the Japanese army to crush the US-Philippine military and the U.S. Asiatic Fleet, grab the resource-rich colonies, to later attack the Dutch East Indies and Australia to create favorable conditions for the implementation of the strategic battle, and quicklyto prevent the Japanese attack, and I wish you success! 

The Battle for the Philippines in World War II

Real History

On 15th of October 1944, the US 7th Fleet & Transport head for the Philippines over 700 ships. Aboard more than 200,000 men of the US Sixth Army under the command of General Douglas MacArthur,who must deliver the one two punch to liberate the Philippines,this is part of his famous promise " I SHALL RETURN ".

3. Battle of Saipan

Campaign 3 of Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD

The Japanese defense forces have tens of thousands of the congregation, our military must be put into a superior force, the implementation of a wide front landing, in order to rapidly advance, so we selected the Saipan landing on, in order to the success of the landing, the rush to build-you fast landing troops who know will not be dark and dreary, I wish you good luck!

The Lost Evidence Saipan in World War II

Real History

Seven American battleships and 11 destroyers shelled Saipan and Tinian for 2 days before the landings, firing 15,000 16-inch and 5-inch shells at the islands along with 165,000 other shells of other caliber. To even begin to comprehend the magnitude of this onslaught, one needs to realize that a single 16-inch round weighs slightly more than a Volkswagen Beetle, besides being packed with high explosives. On the second day of the bombardment, this force was joined by 8 more battleships, 6 heavy cruisers and 5 light cruisers. The islands were ringed by American warships with their guns blazing. Shells rained down on the island, its villages, inhabitants, and defenders, gouging huge craters in the sand and coral. The earth trembled under the tremendous explosions of naval bombardment and simultaneous air attacks.

The main invasion force landed along 4 miles of beach at Chalan Kanoa. Twenty-eight U. S. tanks were destroyed the first day alone. The Japanese positioned colored flags in the lagoon to mark the range of the landing force and to register their howitzers on the invaders from locations behind Mount Fina Susu, and their shell fire rained down on the advancing American force every 15 seconds in a deadly cauldron of exploding steel. By nightfall of the first day, the Second Marine Division had sustained 2,000 casualties. The fighting continued until July 9th, when organized resistance on Saipan ceased. When the fighting ended, American losses on Saipan were double those suffered on Guadalcanal. Of the 71,034 U. S. troops landed on Saipan, 3,100 were killed, 13,100 wounded or missing in action. Out of the 31,629 Japanese on Saipan, approximately 29,500 died as a result of the fighting, and only 2,100 prisoners survived. Fighting between the Japanese and the Americans was by no means completely mechanized; while ships, aircraft, artillery, and tanks inflicted the largest amount of damage to the combatants, a great deal of the fighting was hand-to-hand. Besides machine guns, flame throwers, rifles, and pistols, deadly skirmishes were fought with bayonets, swords, bamboo spears, clubs, stones and fists.

The ratio of battle dead was 9.5:1 during the 24 days of fighting. Place names given the rugged Saipan terrain such as Death Valley, Purple Heart Ridge and Harakiri Gulch testified to the bitter fighting. One of the most lamentable events of the battle for Saipan involved the mass suicide of hundreds of families, many of whom jumped to their deaths from the high cliffs at the island's northernmost point. This tragic event could not be stopped, despite efforts by Americans and indigenous Saipanese using loudspeakers to try to convince the Japanese that surrender would be. (Navy Site Online)

4. Savo Island naval battle

Campaign 4 of Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD

This is the first battle of Guadalcanal Battle, also known as "the first time Solomon naval battle, both warships and troops have been assembled, rush to the command of the troops of their own hands to resist the enemy's attack, the battle the victory will be leading the cornerstone of the victory in the battle of Guadalcanal, and good luck!

USS Quincy: ghost of Savo Island

Real History

August 1942, the Battle of Midway has torn the heart out of the Japanese Empire. Siezing on the opertunity the United States and Australia undertake the first major offensive operation of the Pacific War: Operation: Watchtower, a mission that would go down in history as the Battle of Guadalcanal. Among the task force embarking on the mission was the New Orleans Class Heavy Crusier USS Quincy.
At first it seemed as though the mission would be over in a few days, yet that night the Quincy whileon rutine patrol with three other Cruisers would find themselves facing down the guns of 8 warships of the Japanese 8th Fleet, in a night long battle that would go down in history as the worst defeat in the history of the US Navy during the Second World War: The First Battle of Savo Island, the Quincy was soon reduced to a flamming hulk having wondered into the crossfire of the Japanese Cruisers Aoba, Furutaka, and Tenry%u016B before plunging into the abyss, the first ship lost in an area that would come to be known as Ironbottom Sound, taking with her 370 of her 807 crew, including her commanding officer Capt. Samuel Moore

5. Gilbert Islands campaign

Campaign 5 of Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD

World War II during the Pacific War, the U.S. attack on the Japanese Strategic opener, and quickly take advantage of the Japanese also did not react when assembled good your troops to give them a surprise, so can effectively avoid the army's casualties I wish you good luck!

Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, 1943

Real History

FDR Archives_ What Makes a Battle - Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign in WW2 (1943)

6. Peleliu Island Battle 

Campaign 6 of Devils at the Gate: Pacific War HD

World War II the United States and Japan, the most bloody and fierce battle broke out in the Pacific on the battlefield, the high rate of casualties on both sides, you have to be more careful, the offensive pressure may be stronger than ever, ready to rush to the threat of war, I wish you good luck!

Lost Evidence Peleliu in World War II

Real History

Japan seized the Palau Islands, along with the rest of Micronesia, from Germany in World War I. Receiving a mandate from the League of Nations after the war, Japan established its administrative headquarters for Micronesia at Koror, the capital of the Republic of Palau today. On Peleliu Island, thirty miles south of Koror, a phosphate crushing plant was established and, by World War II, an excellent airfield had been constructed. When war came, the Palaus served as a staging area and replacement depot for Japan's forces in the Netherlands, East Indies, and New Guinea.
The battle for Peleliu Island, the Gateway to the Philippines, was the longest and one of the most hard-fought battles in the entire Central Pacific amphibious operations of World War II. In contrast to earlier combats where the Japanese had vainly attempted to annihilate the enemy on the beaches, Peleliu's defenses were organized with the main line of resistance established inland, artillery and mortar fire registered on the beaches, and defenses skillfully arranged in depth in order to sustain resistance to an attack while destroying the enemy. Although the crack Japanese troops lost the battle, their new tactics enabled them to inflict heavy losses on American Marine and Army forces and to hold out for 74 days. While some strategists have argued that the capture of Peleliu was not a necessary preliminary for the coming struggle in the Philippines, brave men bled and died in the Palaus for their beliefs and their loyalties. Peleliu marked the conclusion of the Central Pacific drive toward the Philippines. A new phase of the Pacific War was already underway.

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